Minggu, 07 Agustus 2016

ADB Not Working Properly ???

Your ADB Not Working Properly even when you TURN ON your USB debugging ?

First Check your USB debuging ? 
is it turned ON / OFF, try to reset it first.

Still fail ?? 
Whoo whoooo,

Try to type this from your PC (at adb.exe command prompt)
adb usb
adb devices
adb kill-server
adb start-server
Explanation : find usb port, find devices , kill adb server , restart the adb server

Still fail ??
check your revoked devices, its below the android "usb debungging"
Then clear all of it.

Hopefully that's all i have for now.
So if you have more problem try to chat me via comment below.

KG - Copyright @ShareZone47
