Kamis, 02 Mei 2019

Docker and Laradock Setup Successful Notes (MAC)(WIN)

Docker and Laradock Setup Successful Notes for MAC (tested)(8 GB RAM)
- For windows you might need extra memory more than 4 GB RAM.

My PC Test Specs :
- iMac (21.5-inch, 2017) i5 - 8GB RAM DDR4
- macOS (High Sierra) v10.13.6

Before starting with laradock, make sure you are creating 1 directory

example setup :

+ laraveldocker
+ + laradock (put laradock inside laraveldocker folder)
+ + yourproject_1
+ + yourproject_2
+ + yourproject_3
+ + yourproject_......

// register that laravel folder in docker preferences
right click docker
> Preferences
> File Sharing
> click "+" / Add
> add that folder (laraveldocker)
- - - in my dir is : /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/laravel
> Apply & Restart

// install docker
// error notes ? vm cannot be create
// make sure your memory is big enough
// # # and read this notes : https://sharezone47.blogspot.com/2019/05/docker-unable-to-create-ErrorActionPreference.html

// docker compose build (this is the most fatal things in docker)
$> docker-compose 

// docker compose up
$> docker-compose up -d nginx mysql phpmyadmin redis workspace
$> docker-compose up apache2 php-fpm mysql phpmyadmin
$> docker-compose up nginx php-fpm mariadb adminer

// restart every edit laradock
$> docker-compose restart nginx
$> docker-compose restart apache2

// shutdown all docker laradock instance
$> docker-compose down

// to stop docker // example
docker-compose stop nginx

// see running container (docker and docker-compose)
docker ps
docker-compose ps

// edit host os /etc/hosts and add IP/Hostname mapping  laravel.test  sheezy.local  nonlaravelapp.local

// sites nginx
$> cp laravel.conf.example yoursites.conf

// go inside mysql
docker-compose exec mysql bash
docker-compose exec mysql mysql -u homestead -psecret

// go inside

$> docker-compose exec workspace bash

// reference
# https://sudonull.com/posts/332-Laravel-Docker-Our-Successful-Experience
